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The Self

​Transform your life by transforming the relationship you have with yourself.


The relationship we have with ourselves will reflect in every other aspect of our lives, including our relationships, our career, our dreams, our goals, our health, and our wellbeing.


However, many of us did not receive the positive messages in childhood that we needed to thrive in this world. We may have received unhelpful messaging from those around us or been faced with trauma or challenges that did not support us in creating a healthy sense of self. This determines our beliefs, how we see ourselves, and how we show up in the world.


Having low self-worth or not feeling good enough can manifest in a variety of ways in adulthood such as anxiety, depression, addiction, and even physical health issues, which can leave us feeling inadequate, fearful, and isolated.

Having a poor sense of self prevents us from living to our full potential and keeps us firmly rooted behind an invisible line of considerable limitation. We may be too afraid to go for that promotion that we so want, too nervous to attend that new exercise class or apprehensive to put ourselves out there on that dating app. Our lack of confidence and self-belief keeps us stuck and unable to move forward to go for what we truly desire for ourselves.

Young woman on sofa in coaching session
Young woman looking sad

The problem being is that we think our beliefs about ourselves are true, and therefore, we think, act, and behave in accordance with those beliefs. However, it is merely an illusion created in childhood and with the right support and guidance, you can change the relationship with yourself to one that is more kind, compassionate and loving.


This has been my journey for many years. I grew up with various unhealthy beliefs around not being good enough and believing that I was flawed in some way. After a wakeup call in my mid-30s, I began my enlightening journey of discovery from self-loathing to self-love.


This journey has taught me so much about myself, my relationships, and the world around me. I have experienced so much transformation on my journey, that my life is completely unrecognisable to what it once was. It has not necessarily been easy, but it has definitely been worth it!


My personal journey is what motivates, excites, and drives me to help others do the same. It is my deepest intention to help others transform their lives by changing the relationship they have with themselves, so they can come to love, honour and respect themselves as I have done.


Breaking free from the chains of self-perceived limitations can have a profound ripple effect throughout your entire life, allowing you to be the amazing being you are truly meant to be.


Let’s do a little exercise together…

Take a long, deep breath in… focused and slow… and then exhale through your mouth as you relax your shoulders…allowing the mental chatter to quiet.

Now feeling calm and relaxed, with your energy flowing through you, let’s IMAGINE what it would feel like for you to thrive as your authentic self.


IMAGINE where you could be if you were to fully embrace, accept and love yourself. Feeling so empowered, confident, and self-assured that it pours into other aspects of your life including your work, your relationships, and your health.

IMAGINE how it would feel to be free of past stories, labels, and beliefs. Stepping fully into your power and being your unapologetic self. Fully owning your voice, setting healthy boundaries, and making yourself a priority.

IMAGINE how you would feel if you validated yourself and were so accepting of yourself that you no longer needed approval from others. You have found freedom within and live life feeling empowered, motivated, and energised.


When you take the time to do the inner work, you can heal the past, shut down that negative inner voice and learn how to be kind, loving and compassionate towards yourself, resulting in a much happier, more empowered YOU.


Over time, what once seemed impossible becomes possible as those limitations start to disintegrate allowing you to heal, grow and transform your life into something that is so much more beautiful, limitless, and expansive!

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